Operating System代写:CS352 Dynamic Memory Allocation



This project has three small programs. The first does not require any dynamic memory allocation; you can do it all with fixed-size arrays (like the programs from Project 3). It involves searching through a long string for instances of a small string.
However, the 2nd and 3rd programs both require that you use malloc() or calloc() to allocate dynamic memory. This is because you do not know, before your program runs, how much memory will be required.
In a real-world program, you often have to resize your memory as your program runs - and we’ll get to that later. But for this project, we’ll simplify things: we will tell you, at the start of the testcase, how much memory is required. You simply need to allocate it (just once), and then use it throughout your program.

Program - Find Substrings

In this program, you will read in a single long string (we’ll call it the “Master String”), and then compare multiple other strings to it, checking to see if any are substrings of the first string. In this program (unlike previous programs) you will read entire lines and save them as your strings - instead of using scanf() to read whitespace-delimited strings.


The input to this program is simply a set of lines of text. It should always have at least one line (the “Master String”), but it might not have any lines after that.
We will guarantee that every line of input is no longer than 120 characters (not counting the newline); this means that if you want to use fgets(), you may; simply ensure that you have space for a worst case string. (What is the worst case string if the line has 120 characters? Read the man page to find out!)
The first line of a testcase should never be empty; if it is, your program must report an error and terminate. However, after that, any and all lines can be empty; you will simply skip over these lines.

Reading the Input

You probably will want to use either fgets() or getline() to read the lines of input. You can assume that the line input will not have more than 120 chars, but your program should not have memory errors if a larger line is put in. For the subsequent strings, do not count the newline as part of the search string.
For example, if the Master String is:

The dog wags his tail.

and the line


is entered after, the result should be “4”. In other words, dog is a substring even though there is no newline after dog in the Master String.


Your program will first read the Master String. If you cannot read any data (because of EOF), or if the line is entirely empty, then report an error and terminate your program immediately.
Otherwise, read other lines from the input. Skip over any empty lines that you find; for each non-empty line, scan through the Master String to see if any subset of it matches the line you just read.
If your program finds a match, print out the index of the first character of the match. (Don’t look to see if there are any more matches; ignore them even if they might exist.) If your program cannot find any match in the Master String, print out -1.

Error Conditions

A blank initial line or no lines input should cause the program to print an error message to stderr and exit. After the Master String is read, additional blank lines should NOT be treated as errors. They should just be ignored. (Note, only lines that are empty are “blank”. A line that contains spaces should be treated as a valid string.)


The student must write their own function for checking if one string is the substring of another. You are NOT allowed to use built in string functions like strstr() to do this for you. You can use the string fuctions strlen(), strcpy(), strdup() if you want. Ask if you want to use a different string function.


Suppose that the input to your program is this:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
n fox
The q

your output should be:


Program - Scan the List

In this program, you will read in an array of integers. You will then read in a series of other integers; for each integer you read, you will count how many times it showed up in the original array.


The input is a series of integers. The first integer (which gives the count of the number of integers in the comparison-array) must be non-negative; the rest of the integers can take any value.


First, read a single integer; allocate an array of integers of this size.
Next, read in the array. Each value in this set must be an integer, but could be negative, positive, or zero. After you have read this entire array, print it out like this:

Comparison array (10 elements): 123 0 -27 14 0 13 123 100 14 6

Finally, read the rest of the input; it should be entirely integers. For each integer count how many times this value shows up in the array. Print it out like this:

Number: 123 count=2

Error Conditions

As always, check the return code from all operations that could fail (such as malloc()/calloc() and terminate your program with an error message if it fails.

  • If the input contains anything other than integers, report an error when you read it, and terminate your program.
  • If the first value on the input is an integer but is negative, then report an error and terminate your program.
  • Finally, if you are unable to read the full set of integers required (for the initial array), report an error and terminate your program.

Otherwise, your program should report no errors. In particular, it is perfectly OK if the input has no values to search for at all.

Program - Scheduling

In this program, you will look for overlaps in the schedule for several people, and build a report about what times they might or might not have available. This will require that you allocate an array of integers, to keep information about each of the slots.


The input begins with a positive integer, which gives the number of slots in the schedule. It is then followed by any number of pairs of numbers. Each pair represents a range of slots; for instance the pair 3 6 means slots 3,4,5,6. Each range represents an existing appointment held by some person.
The numbers will be separated by whitespace, so you are encouraged to use scanf() with the “%d” format specifier to read them.
There can be any number of ranges.


First, your program should read the count of slots, and allocate an array of int of that size (using malloc() or calloc()). Initialize all fields to zero (if you use calloc(), then calloc() will do this for you).
Next, loop through the input, reading pairs of integers. For each pair, do some simple checking:

  • Verify that both numbers are valid slot numbers (non-negative, and less than the number of slots)
  • Verify that the first is less than or equal to the second.

If you could not read two integers, report an error and terminate the program.
If you you read two integers but their values were invalid, report an error, skip over this range, and continue reading from input.
For each range that is valid, iterate through the slots and increment each slot in the range. In this way, each integer in the array will keep a count of how many ranges covered that slot.
When you have read the last range, dump out the array. Print the number of slots, a colon and a space, and then a space-separated list of all of the slot values, like this:

5: 10 3 3 4 5

Then scan through the slots, and report the following information:

  • The minimum and maximum values found in each slot; also report the list of slots which have the min and max.
  • The average value found in all of the slots (use a floating point value; use the format specifier “%.2f” to force printf() to print out two digits to the right of the decimal).

The output should look like this:

minimum: 3
minimum-slots: 1 2
maximum: 10
maximum-slots: 0
average: 5.00


Suppose that your input is as follows:

0 4
0 4
0 4
3 4
4 4
1 1
1 1

Your output should be:

5: 3 5 3 4 5
minimum: 3
minimum-slots: 0 2
maximum: 5
maximum-slots: 1 4
average: 4.00

Error Conditions

If the input does not begin with a positive integer, report an error and terminate the program immediately. If the input begins with a positive integer, allocate an array of integers of that size; if malloc() fails, report an error and terminate the program immediately.
If you cannot read a range (either because there is a single integer, and then EOF, or because there is a non-integer input), report an error and terminate the program immediately.
If you read two integers for a range - but the integers are invalid - then report an error, but continue running the program.

Exit Status

If the program runs with no errors, its exit status should be 0. If there were one or more errors (even if the program kept running), its exit status should be 1.


  • Use a cast to get a floating-point result from division. (Remember, an integer divided by an integer is another integer - rounding down.)
  • Use printf() with the format specifier “%.2f” to print nice floating point values.