C++代写:CS3350 Postfix Expression Evaluator

用Stack代写一个postfix expression evaluator,将数字压入stack,读到expression时弹出即可,属于比较常规的作业。


In this homework, you will create and turn in your second program on BGUnix. Please see the documentation below for instructions on obtaining and configuring a BGUnix account.

Once you have an account, SSH in and join the class by issuing the command:

$ class -join cs3350

This should create a directory in your home directory named ‘cs3350’. All your work this semester must occur inside this directory (do not create a subdirectory unless the homework specifically requests one). Any required files will be automatically collected from this directory at the due date/time for the assignment!

Program Details

In this program, you will implement a postfix expression evaluator. See the book and slides for the concrete algorithm you need to implement. You must use stacks (I provide LinkedStack.h/LinkedStack.cpp/StackInterface.h/Node.h/Node.cpp files in the class lib folder!).

You must provide a hw3.cpp driver file that contains the implementation of the algorithm and a main method that instantiates runs the algorithm. The driver program should:

  • Loops, asking the user to provide either a number (can be more than 1 digit!) or an operator (+ - / *)
  • Stops the loop when -1 is entered (do not add -1 to the expression!)
  • Evaluates the given postfix expression
  • Displays the final result of evaluating the postfix expression (on a line by itself - this should be the last line displayed by your program!)


Your code should include proper documentation/comments where appropriate. A portion of the grade is attributed directly to documentation (see the grading rubric provided on Canvas).

Functions should be proceeded by a comment block documenting the function’s purpose.

Blocks of code should contain comments describing what that block is contributing to the overall solution.

What to Turn In

The automated turn-in collection script will save these files from your class directory:

  • hw3.cpp

The script will assume the following command line to compile your homework (your code must work with this exact command line!):

$ g++ -std=c++11 -Ilib hw3.cpp

This assumes that LinkedStack.*/StackInterface.h/Node.* are in the lib/ directory.