C代写:CS352 Sorted Linked List



This project has a single program! In this program, you will implement a sorted linked list. You will read a series of commands from stdin, which will insert and delete elements, and do some other simple operations. You will also implement a “print” feature, which will print the current contents of the list (which will be critical for passing testcases - we’ll use it to see if you are keeping the list properly).


In this project, we will not provide a grading script for you; instead, you must run the tests manually. The reason for this is that we want you to learn how to do your own testing - since in the Real World, you often will not have some other programmer writing a test suite for you.

Thus, in this project, we will provide testcases (and an example executable), but no grading script; you will have to test things yourself. Our current plan is to not even provide the testcases on the next project.

Doing the Testing Yourself

Look through the grading script from Project 4 (you can open it with pico or any other text editor). While there will be a fair bit which you won’t understand, you will see that there are a number of things that we tested for: comparing stdout (has to be exact), comparing stderr (more flexibility), checking exit status from commands, and also checking to see if gcc produced any warnings.

You are welcome to write your own grading script - or to adapt the one from Project 4. But you are responsible for making it work in Project 5!

Point Distribution

In this project, your code will be graded by a script, with your score determined by how many testcases you pass for each program. After that score is calculated, a number of penalties may be applied.

Program - Linked List

In this program, you will implement a linked list of structs. Each struct will have a pointer to the next node (of course), and two data fields. The first data field will be an array of 20 bytes, which will hold a small string; it represents the name of some person; the second will be an integer, which is their favorite number.

(Although we call the first field a “name”, it should be a general string; it might contain any character, including underscores, digits, or symbols. The only limitation is that it will not contain any whitespace - and that it will not be empty.)

At all times, you will keep the list sorted by the names; that is, when you insert a new element into the list, you must place it in the correct position (based on the name). Ignore the “favorite number” field when sorting the list.

When your program begins, the list will be empty; as you run through the testcase, you will update the list (printing it out only when the testcase asks for it).

Input Format

In this program, each line of input is a command. Each command is designated by a string; some commands also have parameters which follow. Commands and parameters are separted by spaces or tabs but not newlines; newlines should only be used at the end of a command.

The commands are:

  • print
    Print the current contents of the list (see details below).
  • insert [name] [num]
    Insert a new linked list element into the list, at the proper position. If the name already existed on the list, then do not update the list; instead, print out an error message to stderr.
    Remember that the size of the name field is fixed. If the name given is too long to fit into the name field in your linked list, report an error instead of corrupting your memory.
    However, when reading the name field with sscanf() make sure to leave some space for extra characters. Take a look at testcase 25; if the user passes a too-long name, they should get an error - even if the last few characters of the name could be interpreted as an integer.
  • delete [name]
    Search the list for the name. If it exists, delete that node from the list (and do not print anything out). If the name does not exist in the list, then report an error to stderr.
  • removeHead
    Delete the first element from the list. If the list is already empty, then print an error message to stderr.

Input Format - Other Details

Each line in the input is limited to 80 characters (including the newline at the end). However, in this program (unlike Program 4), you must confirm this. This will require you to check, after each call to fgets() or getline(), whether you found a newline at the end of the string you read. If a line is longer than 80 characters, you must print an error message to stderr and terminate the program. (You may assume that every line in each testcase - including the last - has a terminating newline.)

Within the line, there should be a command, and sometimes some parameters. These elements (up to three of them) are separated by whitespace, and there can be leading whitespace, trailing whitespace, etc. However, all of the elements must be on the same line, meaning that you should never find a newline in the middle of a command.

Empty lines are allowed, and should not be reported as an error. However, a line which is not empty, but which is also not a valid line, should be reported as an error. Remember that a line with only spaces and/or tabs is a line that is non-empty!

Finally, for simplicity, we are not requiring you to detect (or handle) to any junk at the end of the line, after the command and its parameters. If there is junk at the end of a line, you must ignore it. (A more advanced program would
handle that as an error case.)

How to Read the Line

To read a line from input, you must go through two stages:

  • Read the line from stdin
    In this stage, call fgets() or getline() to read an entire line of input. This ought to run to the end of the line, and then have a newline; however, if the line was too long, you will need to report an error and kill the program.
  • Once the line has been read, break it into fields. For this, we strongly recommend that you use sscanf() to read from the buffer. See below for a quick introduction to sscanf().

A Trick for Reading Commands

Not all of the commands take parameters; some take zero, one, or two parameters. However, you can read them all with a single call to sscanf(). Call it once, with the maximum number of format specifiers that you will need for the longest command. Then you can simply check the return code from sscanf() to see if you all of the pieces which the command requires are present.


None of the commands should print anything to stdout, except for print, which prints the entire list. Some other commands print to stderr on error; you will also sometimes print to stderr when an input line is not valid. (For details, see

The output of the print command should be first an integer, which is the current length of the list; then a colon. If the list is empty, the newline should follow the colon; otherwise, print out a space-separated list of name/number combinations. Each should be the name, then a slash, then the number (see the examples below).

Output Example

Imagine that your input file looked like this:

insert Russ 42
insert Eric 8192
insert Rose 10
insert Em 35

In that case, the output should be as follows.

1: Russ/42
4: Em/35 Eric/8291 Rose/10 Russ/42

Error Conditions

  • Any line of input which is longer than 80 characters (including the newline) should cause your program to print an error and terminate.
  • If malloc() ever fails, you should print an error and terminate.
  • Any line of input which is not empty, but which does not have a command that you recognize from the list above, should cause your program to print an error message. However, keep going; do not terminate the program.
  • Likewise, some of the commands listed above have situations where they must print an error message. If these happen, print an error message to stdin, but keep running.


Blank lines of input (with nothing but a newline) are not errrors; ignore them silently.


You have been using scanf() in the projects so far; that function reads data from stdin. sscanf() (see the extra ‘s’ ?) reads data from a string, but works in more or less the same way.

The first parameter to sscanf() is the buffer to read from; the next is the format string, followed by the variables that you want sscanf() to read into. (This is similar to how fprintf() takes the output stream as the first parameter.)

Here’s a simple example of sscanf() in action:

char *buf = "foo bar 123 baz";

char word1[20];
char word2[20];
int val;
char word3[20];

sscanf(buf, "%s %s %d %s", word1, word2, &buf, word3);
// sscanf() returns 4

As with scanf(), sscanf() returns the number of format specifiers matched. It will return 0 if it cannot match any of the specifiers; it can even match EOF if it hits the end of the string!

However, sscanf() is a little different than scanf() in that it doesn’t have any way to “consume” the string - so if you call sscanf() multiple times on the same string, you will start the parsing over from scratch, at the beginning. So generally, you will only call sscanf() once for each string. (This is exactly how you will use it in this program - use fgets() or getline() to read the initial string; then use sscanf() (once per line) to break the line into fields.

And yes, as you may have guessed: there are similar other variants in the printf() and scanf() families, such as sprintf(), which prints to a string, and fscanf(), which reads from an arbitrary file!