JavaScript代写:COMP307 Principles of Web Development


Part A

Using your local XAMPP server

Create a browser HTML+JavaScript page that uses JSON+JavaScript to send a message to a Python script running on the server. Your web page will display a text box asking the user to enter their name. This username will be sent to the Python script using JSON, transmitted using JavaScript: {‘name’:’whateverTheyTyped’}. The Python script appends the user name to a text file named user.log.


  1. README.TXT file describing to the TA how they can run your programs.
  2. The HTML page using JavaScript and JSON
  3. The Python script
  4. A sample user.log file


  1. Is 1 point
  2. Is 13 points (2 for HTML, 3 for FORM, 3 for JSON and 5 for JavaScript)
  3. Is 5 points
  4. Is 1 point

Part B

There is only one change. Instead of calling the Python script directly it must instead go through the Slim interface. Your JavaScript will call the Slim interface and your Slim will call the Python script.


  1. README.TXT file describing to the TA how they can run your programs.
  2. The HTML page using JavaScript and JSON
  3. The Python script
  4. A sample user.log file
  5. Your Slim code


  • JavaScript change to work with Slim (5 points)
  • The Slim server code (15 points)