C++代写:CMPSC122 Matrix



Matrix Class

A matrix is rectangular array of items laid out in rows and columns. The dimensions, or size, of a matrix can be expressed as m x n or m-by-n, where m is the number of rows in the matrix and n is the number of columns in the matrix.

The individual elements in A can be expressed as ai,j, where i (the row) is a number from 1 to m and j (the column) is a number from 1 to n. For example, the value at element a1,3 is 2.

Write a program (called matrix.cpp) that does that following:

  1. Implement a class called Matrix that:
    • Contains private member fields for the number rows and columns of the matrix
    • Contains a public member field to contain the matrix elements
      • This should be a 2D array of integers that is implemented dynamically
    • Contains five public functions
      • add function, that adds two same sized matrices together and returns a new matrix with the result
      • subtract function, that subtracts two same sized matrices together and returns a new matrix with the result
      • multiply function, that performs proper matrix multiplication and returns a new matrix with the result
      • scalar function, that performs scalar multiplication with an integer value and a matrix, and returns a new matrix with the result
      • print function, that outputs the contents of the matrix in tabular form that matches the dimensions of the matrix
    • Contains a non-default constructor
      • Constructor that accepts size information, and dynamically creates the matrix
    • Contains a destructor
      • That properly handles discarding the dynamically created 2D array (using delete and setting the member field to null
  2. Prompts the user for:

    • The dimensions of a first matrix
    • The contents of the first matrix, which is then filled into the newly created matrix object instance.
    • The dimensions of a second matrix
    • The contents of the second matrix, which is used to fill the newly created matrix instance
      Sample prompts with appropriate user responses:

      Number of Rows in Matrix 1: 5
      Number of Columns in Matrix 1: 2
      Values of Matrix 1 (expecting 10): 6 7 10 3 5 31 0 9 2
      Note: You must use the above format for entering the values of the matrix.
      When entering values to fill a matrix, all values should be provided on one line.

  3. Performs the following calculations and prints each result using the print function
  • Each of the four matrix mathematical methods should be called, each result stored in a new object
  • If the dimensions of the two matrices involved do not allow for the operation to be performed, skip performing this calculation, and display a message stating that step has been skipped.
    • For example, if I have a 3x4 matrix and a 4x2 matrix, I cannot add or subtract these together, but I can perform multiplication
  • Each calculation should be printed with a full explanation
    • For scalar multiplication, you can either use an integer literal or generate a random integer. Just be sure to print the value of the integer value as part of the output when performing this function.
    • The calculation being performed should be explained; and the contents of each matrix or value involved should be printed and identified.

Matrix Class with Overloaded Operators

Using the class from the first portion of the assignment, write a program (called matrix_ops.cpp) that does the following:

  1. Overloads the following operators using friend:
    • + Replicate the functionality of the add function from matrix.cpp
    • - Replicate the functionality of the subtraction function from matrix.cpp
    • * Overload this to replicate the functionality of both the matrix multiplication and scalar multiplication functions from matrix.cpp. This operator should be overloaded a total of 3 times.
    • << Replicate the functionality of the print function from matrix.cpp
      Used in the following way: cout << matrix_instance1;
    • >> Used as the only way to fill in a matrix with values. Used in the following way: cin >> matrix_instance1;
  2. Remove the five public functions of the Matrix class, and use only overloaded operators to perform the same functionality/output as in the matrix.cpp
  3. Performs the following calculations and prints each result using the overloaded >> operator
  • Each of the four matrix mathematical methods should be called, each result stored in a new object. Be sure you invoke scalar multiplication once for each overloaded operator
    • int * Matrix
    • Matrix * int
  • If the dimensions of the two matrices involved do not allow for the operation to be performed, skip performing this calculation, and display a message stating that step has been skipped.
    • For example, if I have a 3x4 matrix and a 4x2 matrix, I cannot add or subtract these together, but I can perform multiplication
  • Each calculation should be printed with a full explanation
    • For scalar multiplication, you can either use an integer literal or generate a random integer. Just be sure to print the value of the integer value as part of the output when performing this function.
    • The calculation being performed should be explained; the contents of each matrix or value involved should be printed and identified.

Compiling the Program

Use the following command to compile your classes:

g++ -Wall -o <output_name> <program_name.cpp>


g++ -Wall -o matrix matrix.cpp

Remember: Your code must successfully compile without any warnings or errors, or a zero will be given for the assignment.


  • Electronic Submission
    • Your two source code files (matrix.cpp, matrix_ops.cpp)
    • Zip file of source code (can include optional README file to demonstrate how to run your program) submitted via CANVAS drop box by close of assignment