C#代写:PhD Course C Sharp


使用Visual Studio开发中小型程序是十分快捷的。由于VS强大的生态系统,可以很容易的将各种组件集成在一起。但也因为如此,对于初学者来说上手难度较大。
C#(C Sharp)作为Delphi之父Anders Hejlsberg跳槽到微软后的一门新编程语言,也是同时兼顾应用开发与系统开发,简单、现代、通用以及面向对象的程序设计语言。结合Visual Studio,其开发速度直线上升。
和Visual Studio同样,框架的复杂性导致C#对于初学者来说,上手较难。


Whether you develop programs for enterprise solutions, high performance computing, digital signal processing, games or mobile applications you are likely to develop them in either Java or C# in the future – in fact you are likely to develop programs in both languages as a Gartner Group survey shows that 30% of enterprise applications will have code in both languages.
In this course you need to do the following exercises.

  1. Follow the instructions on Visual Studio 2013 Express Editions: Creating a Console Application with Visual C# Express
  2. Follow the instructions on Visual Studio 2013 Express Editions: Creating a Windows Application with Visual C# Express
  3. Try out the Visual C# Samples


    Visual Studio上的C#开发,最麻烦的并不是编程本身,而是Visual Studio环境的配置,IDE的用法,以及调试。
    甚至还有一些同学,由于种种原因,电脑上无法安装Visual Studio,直接安装失败,除非自己手动清理注册表,删除系统文件,否则无解,难度极高。
    不过相比Microsoft SQL Server,Microsoft Visual Studio算是比较温柔的软件了。


    How to: Create a C# Console Application
    How to: Create a C# Windows Forms Application
    注意的地方是,一定要仔细,step by step一步一步来,千万不要心急。如果找不到遗漏的步骤,那只能从头开始。