C#代写:CAB201 Yahtzee Part E


这次需要代写的作业是Yahtzaa的最后一个部分,做一些附加的功能,比如test, save/load, menu, debug等等。

The Objectives of Part E

The objectives of Part E are threefold.
The first is to include a small amount of code which will assist in the marking of the assignment.
The second is to provide the means by which a game can be saved and later be reloaded so that the saved game can be continued.
The third is to implement the rules for Yahtzee Bonus and Yahtzee Joker so that a complete game of Yahtzee can be played.
Even if your code does not play the game correctly for two players you must implement the additions to your program as specified in the first objective below as well as the functionality for the End Game.

First Objective

In the Game class add the directive using System.IO;
and then add the following two strings declarations as global class variables

public static string defaultPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
private static string savedGameFile = defaultPath + "\\YahtzeeGame.dat";

In the Die class, also add the directive

using System.IO;

and then add the following declaration to the instance variables

private static string rollFileName = Game.defaultPath + "\\basictestrolls.txt";

and change rollFile, the StreamReader variable to the following, (it was not static in the original UML diagram of Part C) and add the instantiation to this declaration

private static StreamReader rollFile = new StreamReader(rollFileName);

Set the static class variable Debug to true.
In the method Roll() enclose your code in an if statement as shown below

if (!DEBUG) {
// your original code is here
} else {
faceValue = int.Parse(rollFile.ReadLine());
label.Text = faceValue.ToString();

In your original code you may not have use label.Refresh(); this statement causes the label to be immediately redrawn. It is a good idea to use it whenever any visible property of a control is updated as its semantics guarantee that any change happens before anything else occurs in your program.
From the Assignment Specification page download the file basictestrolls.txt and place it in the Debug subdirectory of the bin subdirectory of the Yahtzee Game subdirectory of Yahtzee. Wherever you have the project folder\Yahtzee\Yahtzee game\bin\Debug
If you have followed the above directions, you should be able to run your program for two players with the supplied text file which assumes two players who on each turn roll the dice only once and select the scoring combinations in order, Ones, Twos etc.
That is, each player only rolls the dice 13 times and selects the next available combination after their first roll regardless of the dice face values. If you do this and each scoring combination is correctly implemented at the end of the game Player 1 will have a grand total of 314 and Player 2 a grand total of 121.
You should run through this process at least once. After that you are free to design your own test data or use this test file in any way you want.

Second Objective: Saving a game to a file

This objective will enable your game to be saved as a file if you need to stop playing but want to be able to continue playing the game at a later time. It is not necessary that you fully understand how this is achieved.
Download the zip file Serialisation Code.zip from Blackboard. Expand the file which contains four folders. In each folder, XXX Class Load, is the Load method for the specified class. The Game Class folder also contains the Save method and two helper methods.
Each method should be placed into the appropriate class of your project to replace the empty methods which were defined in Part C for the Game, Die, Player and Score classes.
Your code will not compile at this stage.

Saving a Game of Yahtzee

In the week 12 lecture reading and writing to files was discussed at the basic level of saving the separate individual variables of an object. The Save and Load methods of Game are similar to those in the lecture notes however they save and load objects through a process called serialization (known as pickling in python).
You serialize a class by marking it with the following attribute [Serializable] this serializes all members of a class except those marked as [NonSerialized].

Game Class

Place the following directive in Game.cs

using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

Place [Serializable] on the line above the class name, and place [NonSerialized] on the line before the form and dieLabels declarations:

public class Game {
private Form1 form;
private Label[] dieLabels;

Die class

Place [Serializable] on the line above the Die class name.
Place [NonSerialized] on the line before the following variables, label and rollFile.

Score class

Place [Serializable] on the line above the Score class name.
Place [NonSerialized] on the line before the following variable, label.

For all other classes

Place [Serializable] on the line above the class name of Player, Combination, CountingCombination, FixedScore, TotalOfDice and BonusOrTotal.
Your code should now compile without errors.

ContinueGame “helper” method to Load method in Game class

ContinueGame() assumes that a Game has been saved at the start of a Player’s turn before they have rolled the dice for “Roll 1”.
This has been deliberately done to keep the code of ContinueGame generic and able to work with whatever code you have written in Form1.cs and Game.cs.
You should play a new game and at the start of some player’s turn select Save from the Game menu. Of course you will have had to write an event handler for the Save option. The Save option should not be available until after New has been selected. The event handler just needs to class the Save method of the Game class.
The body of the event handler for Load option of the Game menu is simply

game = Game.Load(this);
playerBindingSource.DataSource = game.Players;

This option should only be available when the program starts. Once the user has selected New, it should not be available.
You should test that you can save a game and then test that that saved game can be loaded the next time you run your program.

Third Objective: Scoring Yahtzee Bonus and Yahtzee Jokers

This functionality should only be attempted if your completed Part D with the ability at the start of the game to select the number of players playing the new game rather than the default number of two players which was the case up to the end of part D. The number of players can range from one to six.
To implement this additional scoring functionality, you will need to implement the isYahtzee and yahtzeeNumber instance variables and their associated properties as defined in the Combination class UML diagram provided in Part D.
These instance variables will need to be set by code added to each of the CalculateScore methods for all the Combination types and in the CheckForYahtzee method in the Combination class. Extra code will need to be added to the CalculateScore method of Player as well.
The CalculateScore method in the Player class should initially calculate the points for the combination the same as in the basic game. Once this has been done, there should be code which checks for the use of a Yahtzee Joker and determine if the Yahtzee Bonus points can be applied.
Whether a Yahtzee has been rolled previously or not, the player may still be able to use the just rolled Yahtzee as a Joker. According to the rules, you can use a Yahtzee Joker for the 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind, Chance, Small Straight, Large Straight and Full House combinations and providing the appropriate combination in the Upper Section has already been scored.
Since the 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind and Chance combinations will score exactly the same whether a Yahtzee is rolled or not, no extra coding is required here. That is why there is only a PlayYahtzeeJoker method in the FixedScore class. Your code in CalculateScore will need to check that it is valid for a Joker to be played, according to the rules. This checking will need to use the YahtzeeNumber property (or getter). If a Joker can be played, then the PlayYahtzeeJoker method will be called on the FixedScore object, and this method should adjust the points scored to the full amount for that combination.
The Yahtzee Bonus rule means that if the dice just rolled produced a Yahtzee and a Yahtzee has previously been rolled and scored 50 points for the Yahtzee combination, then the player receives an extra 100 Yahtzee Bonus points.

The End Game

Should a game be played through to completion, you need to announce who won if they were at least two players playing and then ask if they wish to play another game.
For a solo player announce that the game is finished and do they want to play again.

Not accessible and not part of this assignment

It would be more realistic if a game could be saved at any time during play. ContinueGame() method would need to be rewritten extensively. If you want a challenge over the semester break try rewriting ContinueGame to handle that possibility. Restoring the saved game exactly as it was when saved is not straight forward.