代写关于Test-Driven Development开发模式的设计和实现。需要先设计UML图,然后编写对应的测试,最后实现代码逻辑部分。
In this coursework you will use UML and then a mix of “standard” development and Test-Driven Development (TDD) to design and implement a simple patient record management system for a doctor’s surgery. This Java class shall be referred to in this specification as the Appointment Manager. This coursework is worth 15% of the module mark for CSC2021.
We have a framework which you can use to create your test classes and provide a log of the tests you undertake.
- To produce a UML class diagram
- To use TDD to implement some parts of a Java program
- Learning/Skill Outcomes:
This coursework will enable you to practice the following skills:
- UML class designs
- Java programming
Task 1
Produce a UML class diagram for the system you intend to implement. This specification is intentionally a little vague, so as not to lead directly to tests in Task 3. You should think about what specifics are appropriate in order to write useful tests. You should call the class which has these features AppointmentManager.java. The Appointment Manager should have the following features:
- It should be possible to create multiple Appointment Managers (e.g. for different surgeries).
- The data in the Appointment Manager only needs to exist during runtime.
- There does not need to be any persistence beyond the lifetime of the program.
- The following information must be stored about each patient by the Appointment Manager: name, address (as a String), phone number and date of birth plus a list of past appointments. Each past appointment consists of a date and a free text description of that appointment. Note that data types representing dates can be either Strings or Dates.
- Each entry should have a unique and unchangeable patient ID.
- A full list of all patients and their details should be able to be retrieved from an Appointment Manager.
- You should be able to search the Appointment Manager (for completely matching) names.
- This should return a list of all matches and their details.
- It should be possible to use the Appointment Manager to change a patient’s name and address.
- It should be possible to use the Appointment Manager to add the details of a new appointment for a patient, given their Patient ID.
Important note for Task 1
You may use whatever drawing/design tool you wish to produce your UML diagram.
Task 2
Implement the features up to and including Feature 5 WITHOUT using TDD. You should implement the design you produced in Task 1 and MUST explain (in the header comments of your production code) if you have made changes.
You should use the Eclipse framework as this is needed for Task 3 in which you will be expanding on your production code. Setting up the framework now will also set up the package structure for you. Follow the instructions at the end of the assignment in order to obtain the framework and get it operational in Eclipse.
Using the framework
The framework contains two Java classes, “AbstractLoggingJUnitTest.java” and “ExampleLoggingTest.java”. “AbstractLoggingJUnitTest.java” is a base class for your tests and must not be modified. “ExampleLoggingTest.java” is an example of a test class, as you may have gathered. You are advised to leave this unchanged but to use it as a template for your own test class/classes. You are strongly advised to make sure your test class/classes are in the same package. If you decide to use JUnit for Task 2, you should make sure your class signatures include “extends AbstractLoggingJUnitTest”.
Important notes for Task 2
You MUST NOT follow TDD in Task 2! These features should be written however you would normally write your code, e.g. using a test class and/or a driver program.
You MUST still test your code! The markers will look for evidence of this, e.g. a driver program and/or a test class for these features. It is up to you whether you choose to use JUnit or not in Task 2.
You are advised to use some version control system to keep copies of the last working version of your code. That way, if you make a mistake, it is easy to check out the last working version again. This is not compulsory but is recommended and also applies to Task 3.
Task 3
Implement features 6, 7, and 8 using TDD and JUnit. In the framework, you should ensure that the JUnit test classes that you write are in the same package as “AbstractLoggingJUnitTest.java” and that the class definition includes “extends AbstractLoggingJUnitTest”. Again, implement the design from Task 1 and explain (again in production code header comments) if you have made changes.
Important notes for Task 3
You MUST follow TDD in Task 3! The markers will use the test log HTML files provided by the framework to determine this. You should be alternating between RED phase and GREEN phase. These transitions are visible in the log file (failed tests generate WARN log events, which are coloured red).
Do NOT modify or delete the log files as this is the evidence you are following TDD.
We appreciate that mistakes happen in the development process. So, you will not be marked down for mistakes in the development process. It is the finished product which is marked, the number of failed tests or amount of time taken to get to the finished product will not be considered by the markers. It is the quality of your tests and production code plus of course following TDD which is important here.
The log files log the time that tests are run, we don’t mind when you work as long as it is before the deadline!
Marking Scheme
This coursework is marked out of 30 with a breakdown as follows:
Task 1
- 8 marks for your UML class diagram.
Task 2
- 6 marks for evidence of testing the code produced in Task 2.
Task 3
- 4 marks for use of the red-green cycle,
- 4 marks for writing/running appropriate tests,
- 2 marks for quality of test names,
- 4 marks for structure and presentation of test methods,
- 2 marks for implementing the production code based on your design from Task 1 (this also covers code developed in Task 2).
Submission and Deadlines
Your coursework must be submitted to the NESS system by the deadline specified. Note that NESS imposes deadlines rigorously, and even work that is a few seconds late (e.g. because of network delays caused by students all submitting at the last moment) will be flagged as late.
Coursework 2 (TDD part II) has the same deadline but should be submitted separately.
You must submit two files, a word document or pdf containing your UML diagram and a zip archive (.zip file) containing all of your production code, all of your test classes and all of the test logs. The easiest way to do this is to zip up the project directory, i.e. the “ncl_csc2021_tddCoursework-master” folder. The framework project directory that you initially download has all the components required for a valid submission (though no code that will achieve marks). NESS will require both files in order for you to submit. It is YOUR responsibility to submit the correct files and to make sure the zip file contains the correct classes and log files.
This module is taking part in a trial of standardised submission times, hence all Semester 1 submissions are due at 8pm/20:00. In the unlikely event of a NESS system failure, we will retrospectively move the deadline to the next working day. Please note that for Friday submissions, the next working day is Monday, not Saturday. Also remember that you are responsible for submitting the correct files, submitting incorrect files is not a system failure or a reason for a deadline extension.
Obtaining/testing the framework
Download and save the framework as a zip file from Blackboard, where it is in the “Assessment” section. Extract the zip file. This should give a folder called “ncl_csc2021_tddCoursework-master”.
Import this project into Eclipse as follows
- Go to File->Import-> Existing Projects into Workspace.
- Click “Next”.
- Select root directory to location of downloaded project.
- Click “Finish”.
Now test that it is working. You should do this sooner rather than later and ideally in a practical class so you can talk to the demonstrators if something goes wrong.
To test
- Open “ExampleLoggingTest.java”
- Go to Run->Run As->JUnit Test (or use keyboard shortcut: F11)
Console output should be:
4INFO : TestSuite [com.example.tddCoursework.ExampleLoggingTest] started
WARN : Test [test] failed with exception [Not yet implemented]
INFO : Test [test2] succeeded
INFO : TestSuite [com.example.tddCoursework.ExampleLoggingTest] finishedAdditionally, there should be an html log file at “ncl_csc2021_tddCoursework-master/log”. Open the log file in your browser to check it has log data in it - it should be showing a log session that started very recently.
- If you have reached this stage then it has worked.
Thanks to Dan Nesbitt for his help developing this coursework spec and to Dr John Shearer for providing the framework used for Tasks 2 and 3.