Java代写:CP471 Lexical Analysis and Parsing

实现Compiler里面的Lexical AnalysisParsing部分。


Lexical Analysis

Consider the grammar on page two. Your task in this assignment is to complete the definition of the grammar, and to implement lexical analysis phase of your future compiler. Minimal implementation requirements:

  • you implementation should provide lexical analysis functionality implemented as function (method) getNextToken (main in your implementation calls getNextToken in a loop until input is over);
  • it should read source program from standard input character by character (DO NOT READ FROM A FILE!!!) and write the output to the standard output (DO NOT WRITE TO A FILE!!!);
  • the output is a sequence of tokens recognized by you analyser and HTML encoding of source program with visually recognizable lexemes from the input (use color and font facilities at your discretion, but try to use different colors for different classes of lexemes);
  • sequence of tokens is to be encoded in HTML as a comment;
  • lexical error should not prevent your code from completing analysis (lexemes with errors must be displayed in red color using bold face font);
  • test your implementation on test cases provided in the assignment entry on MyLearningSpace but also create your own tests.

What and how to submit?

Submission contains two parts: documentation of lexical analyser diagrams and implementation.

  • Submit documentation as PDF file in A1 drop-box on MyLearningSpace.
  • Submit implementation in A1 drop-box on MyLearningSpace.
  • Submit source code only in a single Java or C file. It should be possible to compile your submission with javac or gcc.
<program> ::= <fdecls> <declarations> <statement_seq>.
<fdecls> ::= <fdec>; | <fdecls> <fdec>; |
<fdec> ::= def <type> <fname> ( <params> ) <declarations> <statement_seq> fed <params> ::= <type> <var> | <type> <var> , <params> |
<fname> ::= <id>

<declarations> ::= <decl>; | <declarations> <decl>; |
<decl> := <type> <varlist>
<type> := int | double
<varlist> ::= <var>, <varlist> | <var>

<statement_seq> ::= <statement> | <statement>; <statement_seq>

<statement> ::= <var> = <expr> |
  if <bexpr> then <statement_seq> fi |
  if <bexpr> then <statement_seq> else <statement_seq> fi |
  while <bexpr> do <statement_seq> od |
  print <expr> |
  return <expr> |

<expr> ::= <expr> + <term> | <expr> - <term> | <term>
<term> ::= <term> * <factor> | <term> / <factor> | <term> % <factor> | <factor>
<factor> ::= <var> | <number> | (<expr>) | <fname>(<exprseq>)
<exprseq> ::= <expr>, <exprseq> | <expr> |

<bexpr> ::= <bexpr> or <bterm> | <bterm>
<bterm> ::= <bterm> and <bfactor> | <bfactor>
<bfactor> ::= (<bexpr>) | not <bfactor> | (<expr> <comp> <expr>)

<comp> ::= < | > | == | <= | >= | <>

<var> ::= <id> | <id>[<expr>]

<letter> ::= a | b | c | ... | z
<digit> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0
<id> ::= <letter> | <id><letter> | <id><digit>

<number> ::= <integer> | <double> ...


In this assignment you will continue working with the grammar given to you in A1. Your task is to implement a recursive descent predictive parser with simple semantic actions.

For this you need to first modify the given grammar turning it into LL(1) form. After this is done implement the parser.

Minimal implementation requirements:

  • you implementation should provide syntactical analysis functionality implemented as function (method) Parse (main in your implementation calls Parse);
  • it should read source program from standard input token by token using getNextToken() from A1 (DO NOT READ FROM A FILE!!!) and write the output to the standard output (DO NOT WRITE TO A FILE!!!);
  • the output is source code with diagnostics (if syntax error occurs);
  • if the source code was syntactically correct it must be pretty-printed (see discussion below);
  • after parsing is done, you program should print symbol tables (one for main and one per declared function) in a readable format;
  • test your implementation on test cases provided in the assignment entry on MyLearningSpace but also create your own tests.

What and how to submit?

Submission contains two parts: documentation presenting the grammar in LL(1) form (along with relevant First and Follow sets) and implementation.

  • Submit documentation as PDF file in A2 drop-box on MyLearningSpace.
  • Submit implementation in A2 drop-box on MyLearningSpace.
  • Submit source code only in a single Java or C file. It should be possible to compile your submission with javac or gcc.

Here is a sample of syntactically correct source

def int
gcd(int a, int b)
if (a==b) then return (a)
fi; if (a>b) then
return(gcd(a-b,b)) else return(gcd(a,b-a)) fi; fed; print gcd(21,15); print 45; print 2*(gcd(21, 28) + 6).

and here is expected pretty-printed version

def int gcd(int a, int b)
if(a==b) then
return (a)
if(a>b) then
print gcd(21,15);
print 45;
print 2*(gcd(21, 28) + 6)