The objective of this exercise is to:
- Configure web server in cloud
- Create and understand Rest Servers
- Understand and create cloud based backups
Part #1: Set up static IP (Elastic IP)
- Shut down your ec2 instance if it is running
- a. Go to the Ec2 dashboard
- b. Select the instance
- c. Select the drop down for instance state to “Stop Instance”
- Write down the availability zone of your instance in the dashboard
- a. Mine is us-east-1a for example (use yours not mine)
- Select Elastic Ips under Network and Security (on the left)
- a. Select “Allocate Elastic IP Address” (top right)
- b. Make sure the “Network Border Group” matches your instance availability zone from step 2
- c. Click “Allocate”
- d. Should receive a message “Elastic IP Address allocated successfully”
- e. Select the displayed Elastic IP Address (may have to refresh page)
- i. Actions dropdown at top right Associate Elastic IP Address
- ii. Resource Type - Instance
- iii. Put your cursor in the Instance text field
- It will show your stopped instance - select it
- Click “Associate”
- Start your instance back up a. The IP address shown will now stay the same whenever it is started or stopped
- Update your dynamic DNS from lab 11
Part #2: Protect web directory on your ec2-instance
Create basic access control on your web site
- Log into ceclinux and then your ec2-instance
- Update global apache configuration file
- a. sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- b. Find the section
- Create password file
- a. htpasswd -c ~/.htpasswd USERNAME (make up your own username)
- b. Enter the password
- c. Re-enter the password
- Create the apache access control file (requires anyone accessing the website to need the password, except for me to grade)
Part #3: Load Rest Server and Database into cloud
- Get archive file cd /tmp
- Test the database using your web admin program
- Verify that the database is accessible
- Paste the “Query used to create this table”from the admin program into your canvas assignment (Find those exact words)
- Test the applications final.php (rest server which adds data to database)
Part #4: Backup (snapshot) your ec2 volume
- Log into aws academy
- Go to the ec2 instances - display your running instance
- Select the instance, and right click on the instance id Images and Templates Create Image
- Enter a name for this image
- Press Create Image
This is a good safeguard when you are making operating system changes.
Make a screengrab showing the backup is being made
Do this any time you make operating system changes (any time you use “sudo”)