使用Linked List和Hash Table实现一个Mountain Climber的模拟程序。

Key Information
Your Task
This is a team-based open-book home assignment. It involves making a game that is broken up into a set of programming questions. We provide a small set of tests to allow you to check the correctness of your solutions. However, these tests are not exhaustive, and passing the tests does not guarantee full marks. You should perform your own testing to ensure your solution is coded correctly.
Mark Value
The assignment is worth 100 marks. 50 marks are for the code, which is group based. 50 marks are for an individual written interview/test to be conducted during Week 10
The final submission of the assignment is to be done through Ed.
Assessment Criteria
Please check the rubric for the assessment criteria
Welcome to A2 - Mountain Climber!
Now that you’ve acquainted yourself with Stacks, Queues, Lists and the like, it’s time to explore more complex data structures, and use them to solve more complicated tasks!
In this assignment, you’ll work on the following features:
- A Mountain Trail representation
- A plot view that shows the longest trails suitable for a given hiker
- A trip organiser that keeps track of the relative ranking of trips
In doing this, you’ll need to demonstrate knowledge on the following topics:
- Linked Structures
- Hash Tables and their various methods / approaches
- Use of recursive sorting algorithms and recursive methods
Please Note: With the advent of A2 the ban on python inbuilts is mostly lifted with the exception of the sorted function and dict inbuilt type! Feel free to use list and all other python functionality to its full extent.
The only exception on this exception is that if you are essentially using a list as a stack then please use the provided LinkedStack instead.
Additionally, using with the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for this assignment is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL, and is not guaranteed to work on all OSes. You shouldn’t need to look at main.py at all.
Please make sure to read the next slide for some important information before diving into the rest of the assignment.
Please read all instructions carefully. It is useful to have a general understanding of the app and of trails before you begin; however, you do not need a deep understanding to complete most of the tasks.
To reiterate what is said in the next slide, you do not need to read through or change the contents of main.py , draw_trails.py , or utils.py . Each task will specify what files need to be edited.
The template git repository can be found here. Follow the instructions in the “Getting Started with Git” document to copy across the repository (KEEPING IT PRIVATE) and get coding.
Important Information, Tips and Tricks
Before you get working on the application, please read these tips & tricks to ensure you don’t get lost, or lose any silly marks!
Group Work
This is the first assignment you’ll be doing in groups.
Common Mistakes
- You are marked on correctness in Ed. It doesn’t matter if your code passes locally, it needs to pass in Ed. Contact a TA if you are having trouble achieving parity.
- Be careful of the specic Python version used, and don’t import any other third party modules excluding those already in requirements.txt .
- Write clear and concise docstrings for methods you introduce / edit.
- If introducing new classes, consider using dataclasses to simplify this denition.
- Separate your code into small methods of at most 20 lines, and try to abstract logic if you nd lots of duplicated work.
Note: Almost all methods in the sample solution are 10 lines or less. (Please ignore the mess that is draw_trails.py or main.py :} )
Initial Setup + Running Tests
To get up and running you want to do a few things:
- Import the template repository - Follow the instructions in the Getting Started with Git page.
- [Optional] Make a virtual environment for the project (Follow the instructions in the README file)
- Install the required packages: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Test it is working by running python3 main.py (This will raise NotImplemented errors if you haven’t started on the assignment)
To run tests, call python run_tests.py . Note that you can restrict which tests are run using a second argument. For example, running python run_tests.py 1 will only run tests from the tests/test_trail_edits.py file.
What files should I be editing?
Everything for the assignment can be solved in the following files:
- mountain_manager.py
- mountain_organiser.py
- mountain.py
- personality.py
- trail.py
In particular, you do not need to read the following files:
- main.py
- serialize.py
- draw_trails.py
- utils.py
How do I use merge sort?
See here
Assumptions & Tidbits
- dataclasses are used in some of the scaold code. In short, they do a lot of the initialisation boilerplate for you by inspecting the type hinting for class variables. You’ll be expected to understand at a high level what this does to get started with your trail tasks. You should read more about it here.
- json is used for the loading/storing of trails, but you don’t need to be across this if you don’t care. If you do care, you can read about JSON here.
- This project also uses abstraction with the abc module. You can read more about it here.
- Since this is a mountain climbing app, here’s some recommended listening while you knock these tasks out of the park!
What is the app?
The adding/removing mountains / branches feature won’t work until you have implement the first task slide “Trail creation & Edit methods”
The graph feature won’t work until you have implemented nearly everything (More Trail Methods, Mountain Manager, Mountain Organiser, Double Key Table)
This app gives information about a certain mountain range, which has various interconnected mountains.
Each mountain has three associated pieces of information:
- The name of the mountain (text)
- The diculty level of climbing this mountain (integer)
- The length across the mountain (integer)
This can be visualised nicely by main.py.
Each mountain is represented by the person walking up a hill icon, and the interconnected lines represent connections between mountains.
Here the red numbers on the left of each mountain represent the diculty level, and the blue numbers on the right of each mountain represent the length.
As part of this assignment we’ll be asking many queries about this collection of mountains.
On the right sidebar of the screen you’ll see a few dierent buttons:
From top left to bottom right:
- The plot icon shows a plot of mountains ranked by length as more diculty levels are added. This is yet to be implemented, and is covered by Mountain Organiser and Manager.
- The file icon allows you to save your current trail to a json file, which can be later loaded.
The final 4 icons are for selection modes, and once clicked change how you interact with the main view of the screen.
- The pencil icon turns you into edit mode. Clicking on a mountain allows you to edit the diculty, length, and name of the mountain.
- The branch+ icon turns you into branch addition mode. Clicking on a straight horizontal line in the trail allows you to insert a branch.
- The world+ icon turns you into mountain add mode. Clicking on a straight horizontal line in the trail allows you to insert a mountain.
- The world- icon turns you into remove mode. Clicking on a branch or mountain in the trail allows you to remove that.
Finally, once you’ve made some changes and used the save icon to save your changes to a json file, you can load them back up next time using a second argument to main.py . For example calling python main.py basic2.json gives:
What is a trail?
Wiktionary denes a trail as: A route for travel over land, especially a narrow, unpaved pathway for use by hikers, horseback riders, etc.
In this app a trail is a route both over and between mountains.
Motivating the basic components of a trail
The basic trail
The most simple form of a trail is:
- A line with no mountain on it; or
- A line with a mountain on it.
Combining Trails
We can combine two trails to form a larger trail:
- In parallel (Branching paths); or
- In series (One after the other).
All possible trails can be generated by combining trails according to these rules.
Dening a Trail in Code
We can dene a trail more formally using the following rules:
Trail is wrapper class* and takes exactly one argument. It can take one of the following objects:
None, TrailSeries, or TrailSplit . These are typed as TrailStore in the code (this uses the typing Union, which means whenever we mention TrailStore , we are saying “this variable is either a TrailSeries , TrailSplit or None “). A Trail is represented by a Trail object containing some TrailStore , which might in turn contain more Trail objects in the hierarchy.
For more information about wrappers, see this wiki article.
The simplest trail we can have is a line with no mountain.
- This is the trail object Trail(None) .
We can combine trails in sequence by having a mountain and a trail.
- This is the TrailStore object TrailSeries(Mountain(name, difficulty, length), Trail(…)) .
- TrailSeries takes exactly two arguments.
- The first argument must be a mountain, and this is the only way we can add a mountain to a trail.
- The second argument is the remaining Trail that follows.
We can combine trails in parallel by having three trails: two which are in parallel, and the trail that follows.
- This is the TrailStore object TrailSplit(Trail(info), Trail(info), Trail(info)) .
- TrailSplit takes exactly three arguments.
- The first argument is the trail that splits upwards
- The second argument is the trail that splits downwards
- The third argument is the trail that follows once the previous two join together
Seeing it all in action
Note that every Trail object in code has a store , which contains one of the 3 objects above. So for example, we could model the below image with the following object.
Which also looks like the following memory diagram (click the image to enlarge):
Fun side note, not required for assessment: The denition here is near identical to Series-Parallel graphs.
Trail creation & Edit methods
It is highly recommend you fully read and understand the slide “What is a trail?” before continuing.
Complexity Analysis is not required for this task
In this task, you’ll be working on: trail.py
The first task is to add a few helper methods to the Trail denitions in trail.py to support editing the Trails.
In trail.py , you’ll nd the following methods on a few dierent classes, already type hinted for you:
- remove_branch
- remove_mountain
- add_mountain_before
- add_empty_branch_before
- add_mountain_after
- add_empty_branch_after
These methods can be used to add and remove elements from the trail. They should not modify the existing Trail, but create new Trail objects representing what the trail would look like if edited.
If this method is dened on the Trail class, you should return a new Trail instance, which has completed the action specied.
If this method is dened on a TrailStore class, you should return a new TrailStore instance, which has completed the action specied.
Traversing Trails with Terric Tricks
It is highly recommend you fully read and understand the slide “What is a trail?” before continuing.
In this task, you’ll be working on: trail.py
Now that we have dened our Trail objects, and can add extra objects on-top of them, we want to actually walk them!
Now since we have splits in the road, we must decide which path to take. That’s where Personalities come in!
A WalkerPersonality is a class that implements two methods:
- add_mountain , which allows a Walker to note that mountain they’ve just walked by
- select_branch , which given two Trails as input, decides which of them they will take by returning the Enum PersonalityDecision . If STOP is returned, then neither branch should be taken and the path ends here.
Your task is to, without using recursion, implement the Trail method follow_path , which takes in an argument personality of type WalkerPersonality , and on your trail, calls personality.add_mountain for every mountain on your trail this walker personality would pass by.
For example, if personality dened select_branch as return PersonalityDecision.TOP (Always choose the top (rst) branch), then in the previous example:
We would call personality.add_mountain with Mountains named top-top , top-middle and final .
For (somewhat) more complicated personalities, see personality.py .
Double Keyed Table
In this task and the next, we’ll be working on some Data Structures that take inspiration from Hash Tables but make some important changes to the way probing and storage are done. You’ll use these structures to solve other problems later in the spec sheet.
In this task, you’ll be working on: double_key_table.py
For this first data structure, we’ll be working on a Hash Table that takes two keys rather than one. In terms of storage, this can be thought of as a hash table of hash tables, where a top-level key is used to determine the first position (which hashtable to insert into) and a bottom-level key is used to determine where in this selected hashtable to insert into:
Here, both the top-level and lower level hash tables use Linear Probing to resolve collisions (Note that Het probes from 0-]1-]2 and “May, Jim” probes from 4-]0-]1). (The same example is used for test_double_hash.py in test_example .)
Your DoubleKeyTable should implement the following methods:
- __init__(self, sizes=None, internal_sizes=None) , create the underlying array. If sizes is not None, the provided array should replace the existing TABLE_SIZES to decide the size of the top-level hash table. If internal_sizes is not None, the provided array should replace the existing TABLE_SIZES for the internal hash tables (See hash_table.py for an example)).
- _linear_probe(self, key1: K1, key2: K2, is_insert: bool) -> tuple[int, int] , return the:
- Index to access in the top-level table, followed by
- Index to access in the low-level table In a tuple.
- Your linear probe method should create the internal hash table if is_insert is true and this is the first pair with key1 .
- keys(self, key:K1|None = None) -> list[K1|K2]
- If key = None, return all top-level keys in the hash table
- If key != None, return all low-level keys in the sub-table of top-level key
- values(self, key:K1|None = None) -> list[V]
- If key = None, return all values in all entries of the hash table
- If key != None, restrict to all values in the sub-table of top-level key iter_keys and iter_values : The same functionality as above, but this should return an iterator that yields the keys/values one by one rather than searching the entire table at the start. You should NOT get all the keys/values at the start and just iterate through those. That won’t be very ecient. Your iterator should only get the next item when it’s needed.
- Have your code use hash1 and hash2 from the DoubleKeyTable that is already dened.
- Have both your top-level table and internal tables resize when the load factor of that table increases past 0.5 (See hash_table.py for an example of this logic) These resizes should occur independently (One internal table may be a dierent size to another, and the top level table should resize when the number of internal tables exceeds 0.5 irrespective of the resizing of the internal tables)
- __getitem__ , __setitem__ , and __delitem__ . When deleting, if the key1,key2 pair was the only key1 element in the table, you should clear out the entirety of that internal table so that a new key1 with the same hash can be inserted in that position. (See test_delete for more info.)
- table_size(self) . Returns the current size of our table.
Tip: When creating a new internal hash table, be sure to set table.hash = lambda k: self.hash2(k, table) . This ensures any internal table uses hash2 for hashing keys.
Innite Depth Hash Table
This task is not part of the “Solo Standards” - so if for whatever reason your group was split, you don’t have to submit this task.
In this task, you’ll be working on: infinite_hash_table.py
Time for another Hash Table implementation! This one is a bit dierent. We go back to having a single key, but rather than resolving collisions with probing, we resolve collisions by simply making more hash tables with new hash functions!
Your hash function will now use an instance variable called level . key is as it was before - the key being inserted into the table. level species what level of the hash table hierarchy we are hashing for. This will become more obvious with a worked example. You can assume that all keys that go into this table are strings of lowercase english letters.
Adding lin and leg , we’d make a new table at the position 4, resulting in the following diagram.
Next, after inserting mine and linked , mine would be inserted at the top level, and what was previously the location for lin now needs to be separated into a new table:
Next, adding limp and mining will first add limp in the table corresponding to li , while mining will split the location formerly hosting mine :
Finally, adding jake just sits at the top level (no collision), and adding linger navigates to the lin* table and inserts there:
Your task is to dene the following methods for InfiniteHashTable :
- __init__ : Initialises the table. You may add optional arguments here if you like.
- __getitem__ : Retrieves a value based on it’s key.
- __setitem__ : Sets a value based on the key.
- __delitem__ : Remove a key/value pair. If this pair removed leaves only a single pair within the current table, then the current table should be collapsed to a single entry in the parent table (This should continue upwards until there is a table with multiple pairs or we are at the top table). See test_delete for an example.
- get_location : Returns a list containing the indices required to retrieve a key. In the example above, get_location(linger) == [4, 1, 6, 25]
And finally, after you’ve implemented everything from before, there’s one more function to implement: sort_keys . This function should return all keys that are currently in the table in lexicographically sorted order. Lexicographically sorted simply means that we compare a string letter by letter, and compare using the rule.
And prexes of text are always smaller than the full text. This problem can be solved in O(N * A * L), where N is the number of words inserted, L is the length of the longest word and A is the size of the alphabet (26 in our case). Another way of stating this is O(C) where C is the amount of memory taken up by the innite hash table in bytes (Q: Why are these the same?).
Mountain Organiser
For this task, you may assume that all Double Key Table and all Innite Hash Table methods are O(1), even if they obviously are not. Also note you’re welcome to edit and add additional functionality to mountain.py
In this task, you’ll be working on: mountain_organiser.py
As you embark on your Mountain Climbing journey, you nd that as time passes, the number of mountains you can climb increases. For the first week, maybe you can only do low-altitude, nonsteep mountains, and as time goes on, you can climb more and more dicult mountains.
As you climb more and more mountains, you’d like to know the rank of each mountain, if all the mountains you’ve seen are ranked by their diculty increasing. In cases where the diculty is the same, you should order them by name lexicographically increasing (you can assume this is unique)
To achieve this, we’d like you to implement the MountainOrganiser class (in mountain_organiser.py ), which requires 3 methods:
- __init__ : Initialisation
- add_mountains(self, mountains: list[Mountain]) -> None : Adds a list of mountains to the organiser
- cur_position(self, mountain: Mountain) -> int : Finds the rank of the provided mountain given all mountains included so far. See below for an example. Raises KeyError if this mountain hasn’t been added yet.
Complexity Requirement add_mountains should have complexity at most O(M log(M ) + N ), where M is the length of the input list, and N is the total number of mountains included so far. cur_position should have complexity at most included so far.
Mountain Manager
For this task, you may assume that all Double Key Table and all Innite Hash Table methods are O(1), even if they obviously are not.
This task is not part of the “Solo Standards” - so if for whatever reason your group was split, you don’t have to submit this task.
In this task, you’ll be working on: mountain_manager.py
In order to make the graph view work, you’ll need the Mountain Organiser implemented as well as this class: The Mountain Manager.
The mountain manager acts as a store which tracks all mountains in a trail (In other words, all mountains showing in main.py ) and can be used to edit, add or remove mountains.
Mountains can also be ltered by diculty, and a list of list containing all mountains, grouped by diculty, in ascending order, can be generated.
On the file mountain_manager.py , implement the following methods:
- __init__(self) -> None : initialisation
- add_mountain(self, mountain: Mountain) -> None : Add a mountain to the manager
- remove_mountain(self, mountain: Mountain) -> None : Remove a mountain from the manager
- edit_mountain(self, old_mountain: Mountain, new_mountain: Mountain) -> None : Remove the old mountain and add the new mountain.
- mountains_with_difficulty(self, diff: int) -> list[Mountain] : Return a list of all mountains with this diculty.
- group_by_difficulty(self) -> list[list[Mountain]] : Returns a list of lists of all mountains, grouped by and sorted by ascending diculty.
See tests/test_mountain_manager.py for an example of this in action.
More Trail methods
Complexity Analysis is not required for this task
In this task, you’ll be working on: trail.py
Now that we can do anything we want in the main.py GUI, there’s a few more things we’d like to now about trails.
First off, we’d like to generate a list of all mountains contained within the Trail.
In trail.py , implement the method collect_all_mountains , which returns a list of Mountains that are within this trail. This should run in O(N) time, where N is the total number of mountains and branches combined.
Once you’ve completed this, we’d also like to calculate all paths we could have taken through the trail, tting some requirements.
1008/2085 ONLY
In trail.py , implement the method difficulty_maximum_paths(self, diff: int) -> list[list[Mountain]] . For this function, you can assume that no more than 5 branches are present in the trail used.
FIT1054 students do not need to attempt this task
This method, when given an integer diff , should calculate all paths through the trail such that the maximum diculty of all mountains in the path does not exceed diff . The return value of this should be a list containing lists, containing the Mountains on each path, in order taken in the path.
Paths are considered distinct if any branch decision chosen is dierent, even if the mountains traversed would be the same.
For example, for the following:
Calling trail.difficulty_maximum_paths(5) should return a list of size 3, containing the following (in any order):
- [bot-one, bot-two, final]
- [bot-one, final]
- [bot-one, final]
This is because any path taking the top branch must go through top-mid, with diculty 7.
bot-one final is included twice because we can take either the top or bottom paths of the empty branch.
1054 ONLY
In trail.py , implement the method difficulty_difference_paths(self, diff: int) -> list[list[Mountain]] .
For this function, you can assume that no more than 5 branches are present in the trail used.
FIT1008/2085 students do not need to attempt this task
This method, when given an integer diff , should calculate all paths through the trail such that the mountains in the path have dierence in diculty of at most diff . The return value of this should be a list containing lists, containing the Mountains on each path, in order taken in the path.
Paths are considered distinct if any branch decision chosen is dierent, even if the mountains traversed would be the same.
For example, for the following:
Calling trail.difficulty_difference_paths(3) should return a list of size 3, containing the following (in any order):
- [top-top, top-mid, final]
- [bot-one, final]
- [bot-one, final]
This is because the path top-bot, top-mid, final has a dierence in diculty of 4 (From top-bot to topmid), and so is excluded, in addition to bot-one, bot-two, final. bot-one final is included twice because we can take either the top or bottom paths of the empty branch.